What you need:
1/3 cup Borax
1/3 cup Washing Soda
1/3 cup Salt
2 packets Lemon Kool-aid
Bowl to mix it in (i used my food processor because I made this just after making the laundry detergent so it was out and already covered in cleanser powder and its easy to get it well blended this way.
Mix everything together....
TA DAA! its that easy :-) Use 1/2 - 1 Tablespoon per load depending on your dishwasher and how dirty your dishes are (I use a heaping half tablespoon).
Make sure to store it in an air tight container as it has a big tendency to clump. It still works just fine clumpy and they disolve just peachy in the dishwasher, it just looks kinda janky.
If you really want to keep it from clumping throw a silica gel packet (like comes in shoe boxes or inside new purses etc) in the container to absorb any moisture.
If, when you are using the detergent you get a kindof dusty/mineral film on your dishes (i only notice it on the plastic or clear glassware) it means your water is a little harder than mine (I made my soap weaker so I could show you below).
The film wipes off so you can see pretty easy, I wiped off the top of the glad box above and the left side of the measuring cup below.
If that happens add another package of Kool-aid (the citric acid in the drink mix helps everything rinse cleaner).
Another option to help everything rinse better is to put white vinegar in the jet dry compartment in the dishwasher.
Hopefully this helps.
Its so much cheaper than store bought detergents and it doesn't take much time at all to make.
Isn't that Sew Cool!
Happy Crafting Everyone!