Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Laundry Detergent

OK, now that I've got a good mix and an easy preperation (as well as I ran out again) its time to post my recipe for Laundry Detergent.

Its really really easy.

What you need:

1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1/4 cup Baking Soda
1 Bar of soap (I use Ivory, other blogs say Fels Naptha, but I can't find that anywhere.  I wouldn't recommend using a moisturizing soap because I would think it would have an oil or something in it that could make your clothes greasy, but you can use any soap that tickles your fancy)

I use a food processor, but you can use a bowl and spoon to mix your powder just won't be as fine.

Put your bar of soap on a microwave safe plate (i recommend using paper or a silicone baking mat, cause sometimes it gets a little sticky) and microwave until big and fluffy (mine took 1:30)

I think it looks kind of like clouds :-)

Toss everything into your bowl or food processor and mix well.  Microwaving the soap makes it break up alot easier.  Or you can run the bar of soap over a large hole greater (like a box greater) but this is fast and its fun like microwaving marshmallows :-)

 Pulse everything together until its a fine powder (Before you pull open the lid let the dust settle down for a little bit or you will breathe in soap... it smells lovely, but it doesn't feel so hot in your lungs).

 Put in a lovely container and use 1-2 tablespoons per load depending on how dirty your clothes are.

This detergent does work for cloth diapers too... though occasionally you will want to switch up your soap to something like the 7th Generation if they start to repel.  Though a couple washes with that will fix that issue then you can come back to this because its SOOO much cheaper than the store bought detergents.


Isn't that Sew Cool!

Happy Crafting Everyone!

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